Online travelling

Online Jazz cafe: 5 countries in 90 minutes

  • prepare a World Jazz Cafe style program that will increase engagement of participants in event;
  • To create and implement the invitation process with the involvement of participants in an unusual format;

  • To create links and transitions between lecturers and themes to musicians and performers;

Creating the atmosphere of an international Jazz Cafe. Where musicians from 5 countries in a live broadcast performed musical compositions with a cultural twist inside for the participants of the event. Musicians are from Israel, England, India, South Africa, Siberia.

To increase engagement, the participants prepared a piece of clothing in advance that they would take to the Jazz Cafe. For example, a tie, a hat, a brooch, a glass of drink. And an object in the room that would symbolize a vivid memory of spring, relaxation and lightness.

Then we smoothly moved on to an informative block from company representatives, suitable for the general atmosphere of the event. And these blocks alternated with jazz compositions performed by foreigners live.

Next the musician from South Africa, Johannesburg talked about how music unites and performed a song with the drum, raising energy.

How was the structure of the program organized?

The MC of the Jazz Cafe began with the question “Where are you now geographically?”. She asked what kind of activity Jazz Cafe participants prefer: dancing, chatting, listening to music, just enjoying a good cocktail alone. After that, a trip to different countries began with live broadcasts of local musicians.

The first was Jade from Newcastle upon Time with the jazz composition Fly me to the Moon.
After that, the MC asked to find an object in the room that would symbolize some kind of vivid memory of spring, relaxation, and lightness and share in the chat about it. The best way to immerse yourself in a topic and connect with each other is through stories that include experiences, emotions, empathy.

A guest from Israel sang a song with a composition on the violin. He also encouraged the members to do something valuable for themselves while playing. For example, prepare a delicious drink, hug yourself and thank you for something special you have done last week.

A musician from India told how the locals are spending holidays and what helps them to relax. She also shared what happened with the onset of spring in India, and then performed a composition with vocals and instruments. And the participants turned on the cameras and danced on a chair.

At the end, the representatives of the company said a toast, congratulating everyone on the holiday of spring.
The host invited the participants to write in the chat what everyone would take with them from this trip as a keepsake, what emotions, ideas, insights.

And at the end there was a composition from a musician from Siberia, where the participants turned on the cameras, danced together and thanked each other for a valuable joint event.
We thank all participants and organizers for the created space and mood!

Anastasia Vorobyeva (Russia)
Anastasia is trainer and coach, the President of the International Community of Playback Theater which includes more than 80 countries of the world, Accredited Trainer (Center of Playback Theater New York), performer, psychodramatist, human rights activist. Organizer of projects in the social sphere and theater in Russia, Ukraine, Great Britain, Europe, Lebanon, Bangladesh, South Africa, Nigeria and the USA. Worked as an expert from UNPD ( United Nations Program Department).

Jade Camillie (England)
Jad is the founder of a Jazz band in his hometown of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. The multi-instrumentalist musician.

Khatala Nkomo (South Africa)
Actress and performer from Johannesburg, South Africa. Khatala works with young actors to help them achieve their dreams. The main instrument is percussion.

Deepti Bhaskar (India)
Deepti is a professional singer and instrumentalist.
Actor and musician at the Playback Theater in Bangalore.

Marat Mairovich (Israel)
Marat is musician and playback theater actor with 23 years of experience.
He plays the violin, piano, guitar and percussion.

Alexander Okhotin (Siberia)
Alexander is a virtuoso violinist and multi-instrumentalist from Novosibirsk. The artist's repertoire includes bright, dynamic, dance compositions.